Blue rusting, chipping paint in El Paso.

How Laser Cleaning Can Help with Rust and Paint Removal

Have you noticed rust formation on your property? Do you also need to remove an old paint job from a surface? Here, we will discuss how laser cleaning is the best, eco-friendly way to clean up metal surfaces. 

At Texas EnviroBlast, LLC, located in El Paso, TX, we offer many services, including, but not limited to, laser cleaning, pressure washing, and industrial coating. No matter what kind of surface you need to be restored, we’re the team to work with. Call us at (915) 478-0447 for a free estimate. 

How it Works

Laser cleaning can be used to clean off paint, oxide, rust, and other materials on metal surfaces. Unlike traditional methods of cleaning, laser cleaning is cost-effective, can be used on multiple contaminants, and is environmentally friendly. When it comes to removing rust or paint, laser cleaning in El Paso is especially handy because it eliminates the tedious and time-consuming work. 

Rust Removal

The laser parameters need to be adjusted so that the beam is powerful enough to clean off the rust but not too powerful that it strips away the metal. Depending on the severity of the rust will depend on how high your laser parameters need to be adjusted. Laser cleaning can be done for pre-welding applications or pre-coating applications. By cleaning off your surfaces before welding or painting, you can greatly increase the final product of your work. 

Paint Removal

In addition to removing rust, El Paso laser cleaning can also remove paint particles. The laser beam breaks apart the particles holding the paint together, which in turn removes it from the surface. Read below for a breakdown. 

  • Short laser beam pulses are directed at the surface.
  • The paint absorbs the energy. Depending on what type of paint you’re trying to remove will depend on how much of the laser beam is absorbed. (This determines how fast the paint gets removed). 
  • The paint then goes through the sublimation process as the laser temperature rises. The sublimation process can vary depending on how thick the paint is. 
  • Gases and dust from the paint molecules breaking apart are ejected into the air as it’s removed. 

Laser Cleaning in El Paso

At Texas EnviroBlast, LLC, we offer laser cleaning for all your rust and paint removal needs. If you’re interested in our laser cleaning technology, call (915) 478-0447 today for a free estimate!

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